Add Signature to Every Post In WordPress | Add Signature To Every Blog Post in Blogger/Blogspot !!
Add A Signature to every Post in Blogger, Blogspot or in WordPress
MyLiveSignature, is a free graphical signature making service that is helps you to “make a free signature” from 120 different fonts. The Plugin then used HTML code that is provide by MyLiveSignature to feature your new graphical signature on yours blog post. You can add it that to your blogger, or if you are using WordPress then take advantages of the LiveSig WordPress free Plugin used to add it automatically.
Steps ::
1: Create the signature using MyLiveSignature or as you want any other website.
2: Copy the Image URL From these Site.
3: After that Log in to your blogger account.
4: Go to the Layout > Edit Html > Expand Widget Templates.
5: Now search for the following code that is given below
6: Paste the following code just below the
<img src=”http://YOUR ANIMATED PICTURE URL” />
7: Now Last One is Save the template.
8: Its DONE. Enjoy.